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  • Writer's pictureKevin Leahy

Givzey Announces Artificial Intelligence Roadmap for Intelligent Gift Documentation Management Platform

Givzey Announces Artificial Intelligence Roadmap for Intelligent Gift Documentation Management Platform
Givzey Announces Artificial Intelligence Roadmap for Intelligent Gift Documentation Management Platform

Givzey Intelligent Gift Documentation Management Platform’s Artificial Intelligence Roadmap Includes AI-Enabled Compliance Automation, Accelerated Fundraiser Enablement Around Multi-year Giving, and Improved Donor Experience.

As fundraising's first all-in-one Intelligent Gift Documentation Management Platform, Givzey is excited to unveil our comprehensive Artificial Intelligence Roadmap for Gift Documentation Management.

The infusion of AI into the Givzey platform will enable compliance automation, empower fundraisers around multi-year solicitations, and elevate the donor experience. The rollout of the AI Roadmap will run in parallel to Givzey's work on, our AI R&D lab solely focused on creating the world's first autonomous fundraiser.

“Our team’s ability to embed AI capabilities into the world’s first Intelligent Gift Documentation Management Platform ensures that organizations will be protected from making mistakes around compliance, that fundraisers can scale multi-year commitments to all levels of giving, and that donors will have a world-class experience when giving to their most cherished organizations. The disproportionate impact that AI will have on fundraising can’t be overstated and our team is proud to lead the industry in the application of AI across all of our products.” –Adam Martel, CEO, Givzey

Below is the AI Roadmap for Givzey’s Intelligent Gift Documentation Management Platform:

Compliance Automation

As organizations look to safeguard against risk, Givzey’s AI technology will give fundraising professionals the confidence that their work complies with internal policies and procedures and industry standards.

Givzey’s real-time automated compliance alerts, powered by AI, will ensure that an organization's required language is never edited or removed from an agreement. This never before seen compliance automation will also flag language that could create unnecessary risk for an organization based on best practice and industry standards set by organizations like the IRS, SEC, CASE and AFP, while Givzey’s smart suggestions tool will offer fundraisers alternative language that is in line with those standards.  

Through AI detection, automated alerts and smart suggestions organizations will ensure the highest level of risk mitigation while enabling fundraisers to scale giving at every level.

Fundraiser Enablement

Givzey exists to make all forms of gift documentation easy to execute and manage, while also giving organizations the ability to significantly increase their long-term reach by scaling multi-year giving programs. Givzey couldn’t carry out its mission without the work of the industry's dedicated fundraising professionals, so building AI that directly supports their work could not be overlooked. We’re building the ability for AI to alert fundraisers when they have opportunities to make multi-year asks, increased asks, and more as a part of their solicitation strategy.

With Givzey’s AI-powered fundraiser enablement features, development teams can expand multi-year giving strategies by automatically prompting donors who are primed for a multi-year ask, but are currently only making annual or semi-annual contributions. Givzey’s fundraiser enablement AI also expands that strategy beyond managed donors to donors who fit a multi-year giving profile but are currently rated and unassigned to a gift officer portfolio.

Donor Experience

Givzey’s Intelligent Gift Documentation Management Platform revolutionizes the donor experience when making multi-year commitments by seamlessly streamlining communications with donors around smart pledge reminders and intelligent invoicing. These necessary touchpoints will be timely, personalized and meaningful and provide donors with the type of world-class experience paying their pledges that they have with most other organizations in their lives. 

“The work nonprofit organizations do to properly document, execute, and fulfill gifts is incredibly important, but extremely manual and time-intensive. I’ve seen Givzey customers streamline and scale gift documentation processes as they reach amazing fundraising goals they did not think were possible. Until now, AI in fundraising never included the gift documentation process. Givzey changes that – our AI Roadmap addresses compliance automation, fundraiser enablement, and the donor experience in ways that will empower organizations to operate effectively, grow their pipelines, address retention, and increase revenue at incredible scale.” –Emily Groccia, Vice President, Customer Success, Givzey

Givzey’s Intelligent Gift Documentation Management Platform begins to implement its AI Roadmap this summer and will continually iterate and improve enhancements for all customers. To stay updated on Givzey’s AI progress, schedule a demo today:

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